Concept Art of Gygax Memorial by Harry Quinn
Our Mission
To establish a Memorial to Gary Gygax, a Best Selling Author and co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons®, the world’s first role-playing game, in his hometown of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
“I would like to be known as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and fun pastimes with everybody else.”
— E. Gary Gygax
The Memorial
The Gygax memorial will be a stone table with a bronze statue of Gary seated upon a throne at one end with 20-sided dice for finials and a dragon coiled around the base. Atop the table will be a bronze map of the 1st level of his original castle dungeon. To either side of the table will be stone benches and an accessible sidewalk with space at the end of the table opposite Gary. Beneath the whole will be a base of pavers with donors names engraved upon them. Thus people will be able to visit, gather around, sit at the table, and play D&D® with Gary at the head of the table.
Preliminary Artistic Rendering of Gygax Memorial by Jeff Easley
The Memorial Fund
The Gygax Memorial Fund has sought bids and plans from an architect, engineer, general contractor, landscaping company, stone monument company, and bids from two bronze sculptors, Mike Martino of Lacrosse, Wisconsin and James Nance of Loveland, Colorado.
The Gygax Memorial Fund, Inc. has present capitalization of over $195,000 from private individuals, trusts, and corporate donations.
If you would like to support this effort to create and place a memorial statue to Gary Gygax and his creation of Dungeons & Dragons®, there are things that you can do.