Gail with Gary Gygax in Morocco

Gail with Gary Gygax in Morocco

Gail Gygax

E. Gary Gygax Widow

Gygax memorial fund, inc. Founder

Gygax memorial fund board CHAIRMAN

Gail married Gary in 1987 and gave birth to his youngest son, Alex. From the very beginning she was Gary’s closest confidant and essential partner. While together, Gary would create best selling novels, ground breaking role-playing and board games, and even develop several computer games. Together, Gary and Gail forged the perfect partnership of creativity and companionship.

Together, they welcomed hundreds of Gary’s fans to their home over the years, all planned and hosted by his loving wife Gail. After his memorial service in 2008, it was Gail who suggested and helped plan a gathering of gaming at the American Legion Hall in Lake Geneva with friends and family. Today this testament to Gary’s infectious love of games lives on as Gary Con. The convention hosts thousands of game fans who gather to pay tribute to Gary.

Gail founded the Gygax Memorial Fund in 2010 and worked for years to fulfill her mission to honor her late husband. Although stepping down as President in 2020 due to health concerns, she continues to lead our board of directors and is a driving factor in the completion of the memorial.

Paul Stormberg.jpg

Paul Stormberg

board President/Chief fiscal officer

Paul's company, The Collector's Trove (, is the world's most successful online auction house of role-playing game (RPG) collectibles. He has featured the collections of role-playing game industry designers, artists, and insiders. As he built professional and personal relationships with these individuals, he quickly became an expert in the history of TSR, Dungeons & Dragons® (D&D®), and the RPG industry. Owing to this unmatched perspective he has been interviewed and featured as an expert game-historian in digital media, books, print, podcast, and film.

Paul joined the board of directors in July of 2019 as Vice President and was appointed President when Gail stepped down in December of 2020.


Dianne Carpenter


Dianne is Gail’s sister and most valuable confidant and supporter. She joined the board early on and was essential in establishing the fund. Aiding Gail with research on monuments and memorials, her advice and guidance was essential to getting to where we are now.

Dianne’s assistance in fund raising has been crucial to our success and she has been a central liason securing some of our largest donors to date.


Alex Gygax

board Vice president

Alex is Gary’s youngest son, and was instilled with his father’s love of games from a very young age. As he grew up, surrounded by his father’s game designs, he became an integral part of play testing them. It is clear, games are part of his very DNA! Alex has joined us to help promote his father’s greater legacy of gaming and to create a lasting memorial to him.

Alex has been an essential ambassador to our efforts and has been featured as a guest of honor at gaming trade shows and conventions all over the United States.